Containers For Candy With Glass Lid


The Straight Containers For Candy With Glass Lid is a clear jar with a clear fitted lid, making sure your items are protected and easily visible.

Making sure you have enough space for your goods .

Besides keeping your things fresh they have a clean, sleek look.

심층 프로세스

데칼 및 전사, 에칭, 프로스트, 핫 스탬핑, 크랙 마감, 스크린 인쇄, 스프레이 페인팅, 전기 도금.

사용자 지정

사용자 정의는 항상 가능하며, 간단한 의사 소통, 정확한 이해, Maidao Glass로 유리 병 제조업체 제공 가능 맞춤형 유리병 사용자를 위해.


The Straight Containers For Candy With Glass Lid is a clear jar with a clear fitted lid, making sure your items are protected and easily visible.

These are perfect for a party or event. making sure you have enough space for your goods while giving you the convenience of being able to store them in your closet.

The glass jar is great for storing cookies, baked goods, flower, sugar, corks and cotton balls.

Besides keeping your things fresh they have a clean, sleek look making those messy cereal boxes and bags of granola a thing of the past.

용량100ml, 350ml, 750ml, 950ml
병 스타일라운드
재료소다 라임 유리
FDA 승인
캡 스타일유리

또한 좋아요


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